吃飯時吃飯 睡覺時睡覺
當然每個人接受程度及觀念不同,定義上也就不同,這方面見仁見智。但希望在不影響生活的前提之下,想清楚你(妳)要的是什麼?是一時的流行! 還是永恆的紀念。
"套句老話,什麼是好的紋身?" 紋身工作者和被紋身者之間必須有良好的溝通後就是好的創作紋身,被紋身者的構思加上紋身工作者的獨創就是美的紋身。
服务专线:886 7 -2011122 店址:台湾高雄市新兴区自立二路1~8号
Have a meal while having a meal; Sleep while sleeping
At sunrise and sunset, talent and idiot, art and lunatic, between these are often different because people assert. The thought remains the same from beginning to end through the whole journey in these years, make the thing that oneself should already be done, wanted to think. Engaged in tattooing for several dozen over years, feel very honored to tattoo for numerous persons, expect to tattoo for more people in the future, my life except tattoo, tattoo……
The tattooing significance, speaking of me, is just like a life miniature, there is anger, there are kindred, there is friendship and there is a great dream even more…
Certainly each person receptivity and ideas are different, the definitions are different, either, and this aspect different people have different views. However, it is hoped not to influence the prerequisite of life, thought what is you wanted? It is the prevalence for the moment or the eternal commemoration.
The stock phrases proverb, what is the good tattooing? Tattoo artist and person tattooed must have the good communication, and then it is excellent tattoo creation. The idea of the person tattooed and artist"s original creation are the beautiful tattooing.
What kind of tattoo machine is the best in the world??
Lyle Tuttle:"Our hands is most of usefully tools"
was born in 1968
East Tattoo was established in 1994